Monday, June 13, 2016

New Professors!

Dear Journal,

Today while frolicking around with my new pony, whom I have decided to nickname Siren, we came across some interesting new people! I absolutely love spending time in Epona, it's one of my favorite areas in the island of Jorvik! The people there are always so interesting, even if they are a bit strange, and it's just so beautiful! Earlier in the day I was stressing because I had a quiz in Jorvakian class, it may come across as unusual that I would be taking such a strange language since most of the people of Jorvik only speak English, but it's an old language that would help me decipher books for the Soul Riders. Such as the light of Aideen book, or something like that, that has enough power to stop evil. Something like that. Yup just a normal day in Jorvik. Anyway, I finally finished my final in Jorvakian, crossing my fingers that I would land an A before school let's out. By the way, school in Jorvik lets out June 24th. I'm 16 years old and going to be a junior next year!* Siren and I came across some old friend from tumblr, Colette and her beautiful new red wild pony. I really enjoyed speaking to her again, even with all the drama that's going against her on tumblr. We encountered some strange characters...

There's Walter Winterwell and Professor Chiron, who are both professors/scientists! They must have moved in recently or I just haven't noticed them before! I found Professor Chiron's name interesting,  Chiron was a mythological greek centaur who mentored heroes such as Achilles and Odysseus. Centaur's were half man half horse creatures that were mostly peaceful in the Greek Myths. I wonder if both of the Prof. will be needing my help later this week, it's likely considering how much help the citizens of Jorvik always seem to need!

After that, Colette had to run on home to Jorvik Stables, while I stayed a little longer in Epona, just enjoying being with Siren. I am absolutely in love with her! She seems just like me, and loved showing off for the camera ;)

She only turns blue when she is truly at home in the open fields, surrounding by Jorvik's beautiful wilderness, and that is when I know she is truly happy :) I discovered that she absolutely loves eating South Hoof's rare flowers, it's a shame to see such pretty flowers go to waste but she deserved some treats after having to put up with carrying me all day.

While we were on our way back home, to Steve's Stable, we ran into the wild horses! Siren couldn't resist it and neither could I, so soon we were racing them around the island.

When I took this picture we were close to the farm, so Siren had turned to her normal grey color again. I tried telling my friends at home in the United States, over text of course, about Siren and her mystical blue coloring, but of course they didn't believe me. Eventually we had to return home to the stables so that Siren could get some rest, but she seemed a little down when she flashed into her grey coloring as we neared Silverglade. I'm thinking about moving to New Hillcrest for my main stable, since it's near south hoof with plenty of space for Siren to roam free, but I'm not sure xD

Anyway, I'm sitting in the loft above my stable, enjoying the peace and quiet along with the sounds of my horses munching on their food. I'd better get back to studying for my mathematics final tomorrow, yup even Jorvik has math.

*Author's note: I write mini stories on "life in Jorvik" combining my life with my character's life, though occasionally break from that point of view to write an opinion about sso, but anyway I am not 16 years old in real life.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Meet Sapphire Secret

Dear Journal,

Today I was finally able to find some time for blogging! I've been so busy with finals and such it was hard to get some spare time. At the first chance I got, I took Moon Belle over to Firgrove to check out the new ponies that I had heard arrived from a rumor going around. I wasn't let down! They were the most beautiful Jorvik Wild Ponies I had ever seen! Okay well, I actually haven't ever seen any Jorvik Wild Ponies before, I've only lived on Jorvik for two years and they are very rare. Anyway, I arrived and met and unusual character from the other side of Firgrove, Firfall! His name is Gary Goldtooth.


I enjoy talking to all of the natives from Jorvik, and Gary Goldtooth was no exception. Especially since he only comes over to this side of Firfall once a blue moon, it was a miracle I was able to buy one of his beautiful ponies! Here is the information about the Jorvik Wild Pony breed, I found is quite fascinating how they have a connection with nature and magic. Even after spending two whole years in Jorvik, I still find it hard to comprehend that there is so much magic everywhere around us!

Magical horses? Of course I had to buy one! They remind me a little of Alex, Linda, and Lisa's horses, in fact, I wonder if Meteor, Tin Can, and Starshine are Jorvik Wild Ponies? Oh well I guess I'll run by the manor later today and check it out! It was really hard to decide which color pony to get, but the most beautiful blue colored pony caught my eye. She just spoke to me and I knew she was the one!

Welcome to the family Sapphire Secret! I decided on this name because she only turns sapphire blue out in the wild, so it's a secret to everyone else, they just think she's an ordinary dappled grey pony :)

Here are some pictures of Sapphire and I having some fun out in Landon's meadow:

In case any of you are wondering, this is how Sapphire turns blue

and back to her normal grey color!

Will write more later! Have to get out to the stables and make sure the horses are okay before heading to bed. Goodnight!

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Jorvik Wild Horse

The day has finally arrived! (Sorry I know this post is a few days late, been busy setting up this blog) The Jorvik Wild Horse has arrived at Firgrove! For the past few weeks (or month?) SSO has been hosting an instagram contest for the design of a custom Jorvik Wild Horse. The winner's horse was released recently, and the second and third places were also just released this Wednesday. A pleasant surprise was the fact that Star Stable decided to compromise with the people that were complaining the multicolored horses were unrealistic by saying

"In built-up areas and around civilization in Jorvik's towns and villages, they will look like any normal horse. The Jorvik wild horse loves being out around the island's gorgeous countryside, and you'll notice something pretty special happen when they're thriving in their most beloved surroundings: they change colour!"
I personally think that people shouldn't be complaining, it's not like SSO is a realistic game anyway, our horses talk to us, there are magical soul riders, and you have to close portals to an evil world called Pandoria, so honestly they shouldn't be saying SSO is a realistic game. I am just in love  with these new horses, and I cannot wait to buy one of my own! I am so lucky I was saving up for a white thoroughbred, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy one of these beauties!

This is the winner's horse! Isn't she gorgeous?

I absolutely am in love with this beautiful ocean blue color!

This horse is probably my least favorite of the three, but still, it's so majestic! Reminds me of a stallion, haha.

The first picture of each set is what the horse looks like in the wild when they turn colors, and the second picture of each set is what the horses will look like in the cities.

Gary Goldtooth is selling the horses by Figrove!

It reminds me of the mysterious wagon near Nilmer's highland (before the star rider quests) which we now know has to do with Ydris and the circus.

If you need help with the location here is a closer pic! (Stole this from online haha)

The horses can be bought near the path to Firgrove :) They cost 399 star coins, which I am so grateful for, since they are custom horses I was sure they would be at least a 1000 sc, and ain't nobody got time to save up all those! There is a catch though, Gary Goldtooth will only be in Firgrove for one week. He explains that he lives on the other side of Firgrove, called Firfall, and only comes over to Firgrove each blue moon. I'm assuming that buying the wild horses will be like the iceberg, you can only buy them once a year. So if you miss it this year, you'll still have a chance next year! Besides that, did anyone else notice a big clue sso gave us? Firfall. Firfall is the name of the territory beyond Firgrove. This could mean two things -  SSO has been thinking about adding a new area in Firgrove and they have already been developing it and such, and Firfall is the name of one of the towns OR Firfall is just a name from the StarShine Legacy games that they chose to use but haven't been working on the new area at all. Either way, we know the name of the area past Firgrove!

And I'm going to leave you with one last picture from Star Stable's YouTube video:

The horses transform when they are in the wild by a bright pink flash (SSO has a thing with pink XD). When I first logged on Wednesday night, all I could see were these bright flashes happening every five seconds while I was racing XD! Who else is really excited to buy one of SSO's new dream horses? Which one are getting/got? I'm still trying to decide between the blue and purple!
Until tomorrow :)


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone! I've been setting up this blog for the past couple days about my life on Star Stable, it's still in the process of being finished so just bear with me until I have everything finished and can start posting more! Since I don't have much time right now to write a long and lengthy post about the new update, (Eeeek!) I've decided to tell you a little bit about me, though you can find out more in the About Me tab. (Which I'm still updating, lol).

I first joined Star Stable Online in 2011, and my first account was on Raspberry Valley called Kristina Silverstone. I gave up on SSO after doing all of the non star rider quests, got bored, and was inactive for a long period of time. When I was bored one day in June of 2014, I came across Star Stable on my computer. I decided to give it a fresh start with a new account, Annabelle Misthall. In a week it will be my 2 year anniversary of playing Star Stable Online :)

Some quick facts:
  • I am almost 15 years old
  • I ride in real life, and I love it!
  • I'm  going into 10th grade.
  • I have blue gray eyes and blonde hair in real life, just like my game character.
  • I got the inspiration for my name from the Percy Jackson books, which I loved. Annabeth was my favorite character and they always described her as having stormy gray eyes, so I chose Annabelle Mistowl. Unfortunately, the name was already taken so I stuck with Annabelle Misthall.
  • My original server is chocolate cupcake.
  • I'm not really a big gamer at all.
  • My sister and I used to play star stable together, but she got bored and stopped playing.
So there you have it! Some quick facts about me! I hope I can start actually blogging soon, but I hope you enjoy this for now.